Rita Howard
I was raised in an art environment. My mother ensured we children had plenty of opportunities to engage in artistic endeavors, whether with finger paints, watercolors, or collage materials. Our home was beautiful, and the walls were graced with art, including some of our own. As an adult, I have found my way back to those roots. I’ve gotten some training from excellent teachers, including the many fine teaching artists at Path with Art.
I use art to give creative expression to my relationship with the world. For me, art is a means of externalizing my thoughts, feelings, and response to the environment in which I find myself — as a woman, a naturalist, and a Black elder living in urban America.
While I enjoy working with the unequivocal colors of acrylic, I also enjoy the fluidity of watercolors and the interesting things that happen when different media encounter each other. I have traveled widely and collected art and ideas about artistic expression from many places. I am an explorer and world citizen by nature, and my approach to art reflects these traits.
When a piece of art touches you, it is like having a heartfelt conversation between you, the artist, and the work itself; I hope you see yourself in that dialogue.